258 / 5
17th Jun 2014
29th Mar 2015
7-bit linear grapher with 256*256 display and axes. 1 pixel=1unit. Graphs functions in the form of y=mx+c. Only spark numbers when the green light above the numpad is on. Maximum value for m and c is (-)127. Runs on full fps. Tell me about any glitches.
mathematics piston math linear equations graph calculator electronic compact grapher


  • qwertar
    17th Jun 2014
    When i set the function, where y=0 at any x, it makes a graph, where y=x.
  • Darkn1883r
    17th Jun 2014
    @OneWayStreet: I actually have a ^2 stored in the display in case I find out how to plot quadratic graphs, but I can't do that without actually having to calculate the values. I'd need space for two fully functional calculators and it would be extremely slow anyways, so don't expect anything ^x in the near future.
  • OneWayStreet
    17th Jun 2014
    We want the e^x fonction ! ;) Great work +3000
  • Darkn1883r
    17th Jun 2014
    I fixed the quadrant issues. Remember that you can't write 0x or +0
  • tothemyers
    17th Jun 2014
    Nevermind, quadrant 3 is written to - I guess it just bugged out on me that time.
  • tothemyers
    17th Jun 2014
    Yeah, that's what I just tested, I tried doing y = 1x + 0 and it works, except quadrant 3 is not written to.
  • Darkn1883r
    17th Jun 2014
    @tothemyers: you cannot write y=x, you have to write y=1x
  • tothemyers
    17th Jun 2014
    This is cool! I found a bug though: The graph of y = x appears to be y = 2x, and when you try to graph y=2x over top of y=x, no new line is created.
  • AlpacaBro
    17th Jun 2014
    This is one of the coolest things I've seen on Powder Toy! +1
  • Ferne
    17th Jun 2014
    Very good job. A bit buggy though