updated to 1 and 2 pixel switches.
for now my electronics tutorials will be 100 level classes. There are others who may have tutorials on advanced concepts. I will be doing some with aray electronics but not on binary stuff. I will discuss timing of electronics and the use of dlay and basic "resistor" circuits
this page is supposed to help noobies. I have never even built an aray reader. there are other tutorials I want to link to. I know of a good pstn and there is a memory tutorial by someone? I will make a page 2 witn some more helpful info and links. I need to learn a few things and build a few devices before I can make an expert tutorial.
Are you going to make something more complex, aray readers, a memory, others?
What I built using the stuff shown here: ID:1570260
its down to 2 pix
probably. would you like to contibute an example? I will give credit.
Shouldn't we be teaching noobs to only use one px of switch?
however it does demonstrate the properties of NTCT. the METL input heats it up and the NSCN passes spark to it.
*NTCT AND GATE* if the top (metal input) shuts off while the bottom (NSCN input) is still on, the gate does not shut off immediately. A few sparks from the bottom input will get by. this is usually undesirable so people have invented better ones like the switch one above it in this save. other ways to build and gates and flipflops will be explored in another lesson.
excellent. I shall go further.