23 / 1
21st Jun 2014
23rd Jun 2015
This club is for ANYONE techy, artsy, or downright brilliant! To join, type your name using this, and make a save with it. (ID:1565819) Post the ID.. You must also join here: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Groups/Page/View.html?Group=1037
nowifi members gloup group club newage


  • DavidC
    7th May 2015
    can I join???
  • leddo
    7th May 2015
    can i join? i make powerful small explosives, i know how to make structures with SOAP and i go really in-depth with the game.
  • awesome170
    7th May 2015
    ID:1784206 need it on projects can we make it a group one?
  • RCAProduction
    7th May 2015
    iawbrooks: Type your name and join... Whale: We have no official prject right now -- Look at the projects page to start things. Also, use the console (it's the ~ key on your keyboard). Put some snow on the screen, and then once in the console type !set ctype snow sing and press enter. That makes SING snow. To make SING snow explosive, type that and then !set tmp snow 999999
  • Whale
    7th May 2015
    iawbrooks how do you make incendiary liquids and sing snow?
  • iawbrooks
    7th May 2015
    by the way, I already know how to create incendiary liquids, singularity snow, and deuturium bombs.
  • iawbrooks
    7th May 2015
    I like to engineer small explosives able to do big damage. If anyone would like to share ideas, please comment back to me.
  • Whale
    6th May 2015
    Hey RCAP what are we working on currently
  • Whale
    6th May 2015
    oh you just did it
  • Whale
    6th May 2015
    Hey RCAP heres my name ID:1784078