67 / 21
3rd Jul 2014
18th May 2019
Free to copy 100%. This laser also creates SING and can go destroy INSL
insl small compact electronic destroy prot power powerful sing decorated


  • jman31415
    3rd Jul 2014
    Cool laser. Though I do agree with SlenderHunter in that the SING creation isn't really a good thing. That just means you managed to get the PROT going really fast, not that it's powerful. If it made gas and fusion at the target than that would be one thing, but SING is too chaotic to be good with lasers.
  • Schneumer
    3rd Jul 2014
    Don't see what is so special, especially since you took PT's concept of heating... >_<
  • SlenderHunter
    3rd Jul 2014
    Nice, but the SING creation is a problem, not a feature. +1