7 / 1
20th Jul 2014
20th Jul 2014
Comment to me and ask me questions, or just have a friendly chat.
nerdcubed nerd3 chat nerd cubed text procrastinators real brad


  • danatron1
    21st Jul 2014
    even if you cant do a video, will you still use this as somewhat of a general chat room that a lucky few will get to talk to you through? :D I'm thinking if I treat you like a human, I could convince you to try out Scrolls, its a game by mojang that desperately needs some attention, and I'd love to see you playing it, its a TCG, kinda like hearthstone with less pay to win, and a really interesting board mechanic, I think you'd enjoy it :P
  • Soap
    21st Jul 2014
    Since you really loves Just Cause 2. Well, at least loved, do you have any "to do list" for someone at 33% in merc mode?
  • Spencer204
    21st Jul 2014
    next time, i challenge you to make a bomb, a nuclear bomb.
  • OfficialNerdCubed
    21st Jul 2014
    Sorry about the novel there...
  • OfficialNerdCubed
    21st Jul 2014
    I am thinking about making another video on this, since it has updated so much, but I can't at the moment because I have some other cool stuff planned. (Insert Mac Perfoma Crash Sound Here)
  • Spencer204
    20th Jul 2014
    Can you play some levels made by me.. I always wanted to be on youtube.
  • danatron1
    20th Jul 2014
    fantastic, I can actually communicate with the person I steal the most jokes from! :D and I'd personally love more videos on this game I play while other stuff is loading, so how about as a challenge, make a functioning laser :P
  • OfficialNerdCubed
    20th Jul 2014
    @NucleiOriginal Yes.
  • NucleiOriginal
    20th Jul 2014
    Are u the REAL NerdCubed?