Well he should use that skill on some other platform, it is obvious that the powder toy is a physics simulator- not a program like ms paint and such.
actully its not that easy it takes just as much skill to make art as it would to make something extremly advance with electonic stuff (for the record im good at neither)
OK, it's not that art doesn't belong on TPT, it's that it doesn't belong on the front page. We're not hostile to art, we like art! But we want stuff that DOES something! Look, anyone can flood fill the entire screen and use the deco layer, or just use elements as colors. That's no different than MS paint, which is not what TPT is. So, it's cool you guys want art, and I do too, but it doesn't belong on the front page where it's bumping something else off that does something way cooler.
change the eyes to red by taking the exact brightness of each color then canging the color red it makes this good artwork creepy
LOL! omg i'f f**king crying XD
TPT is a tool for expressing creativity. if you can't handle peoples crative vices not involving explosions or flashing lights. go away. you don't belong here.
Unpause, but otherwise.... Great job!!
its good art tho :P and i never really figured out why they dont want art on fp i can understand that it would frustrating to have it filled with art but one or 2 art saves couldnt relaly matter could it?
Oh god turn on pressure display (2) and she fills up with blood or something and begins to disappear.