Card game?? lol jm.... pokemon isn't about the card game... that's lame..
I dont get the point of pokemon, it isnt different than magic, or any trading card games (that i play anyway) so yea, and, i also really dont hate pokemon, or bronies, i just dont care about em, but I used to love both, so nice work, (+1)
make it so you can send out the pokemon too
nice work, I dont really like pokemon, and TRUST ME!! its the same way most of you users hate Bronies.
exlplode the charmander! (like ash does evry time).
...unless that red turning black is just the Pokeball "opening"...
Heh, I like it. Though it's kind of too bad the deco breaks. Either way, +1
Cool! I think I suggested it. +1
more realistic than a real vaccum?