The fastest possible electronics based 8 bit programable computer, with pipeline system. If tpt is 60 fps then the computer is 7.5 ips in real life! Auto starts with Fibonacci sequence. NEW PROGRAMS AT id:1603490, and in the commented saves!.
You don't have a screen, that must mean you're junk too.
this is junk there is no screen its just sparks
the power button
umm how do you turn it on???
I watched your video on youtube
I see now. From the "classical INST + CRAY era" of TPT electronics. Goodness ingenious PSTN XORs and INST + CRAY based AND gates I never new about two years ago prior to my exploring FILT mechanics. That is, very clever to use CRAY generating INST to mediate an instantaneous ripple carry. ALU's hing upon the speed of that ripple. This speaks of the wondrous tricks we used to use before subframe FILT operations came along.
A long time since I last looked at this and I finally managed to see the "lightning fast" fibonacci program in action. Interesting to see how this technically outputs results at 60 fps faster than LBPHacker's 60hz processor, but his works with 32 bits. Despite present work on 60hz designs, I saw the adder in action and am very curious about the high speed vertical ripple carry. I haven't found an explanation of this adder's design using 'classic' electronics.
Am I the only one who enjoys testing the durability of this?
shuts itself off if i power it on and enter a number
sorry again, i think i got too hyped up about 60hz.... i need some self control lol