95 / 10
21st Aug 2014
22nd Aug 2014
i was messing around with someone elses save when i found out that you could make the bubble tightish. i instantly became curious and made this. the first of many.
soap bubble conveor simple belt mydlo conveyor invention


  • ivel236
    24th Aug 2014
    @groudon, if you need to edit the save paste the bubble first on a blank save, then build the other stuff after it. The bubbles depend on their particle ID so if you mess up the order that the particles were created in then the bubble will not be the same.
  • groudon
    24th Aug 2014
    now working on a belt to extange heat
  • Sandwichlizard
    24th Aug 2014
    I have to say this is pretty cool.
  • groudon
    24th Aug 2014
    yeah you can rip the belt off the wheels if you use gravity or pressure. its not hard but sometimes if the track liner is solid it wont ever fall off unless it jams
  • 00yoshi
    24th Aug 2014
    id:1610996 i ripped it off
  • groudon
    23rd Aug 2014
    sometimes if the belt is too tight it will merge through. just make sure the metal is close but not too close
  • msasterisk
    23rd Aug 2014
    I try but it splips through the metl HOW?
  • pkmarci
    23rd Aug 2014
    Wow I was experimenting with this save and I made a spiky bubble! The tutorial I made is here: id:1610078
  • groudon
    22nd Aug 2014
    but i cannot update this save otherwise it will break the mechanics of the belt. i have no idea how it happens or why so i cannot fix it.
  • groudon
    22nd Aug 2014
    @Sandwichlizard, will do