109 / 11
26th Aug 2014
18th Sep 2015
A 2-D Binary Square. Not sure if it could possibly have any use.
counter matrix math switch efficent simple


  • Ferne
    26th Aug 2014
    @lare in the second case, it'd be around 600000000000000000000 years. For the first case, I have no idea, I would need to figure out the math behind it... Seems to be rather complex. Btw, there's 20 zeros in this number, don't bother counting. Anyways, the Sun would have time to consume the Earth hundreds of billions of times, so I don't think any human will live to that moment.
  • Ferne
    26th Aug 2014
    Also +1 and fav
  • Ferne
    26th Aug 2014
    @blackantimatter yeah it actually follows similar rules...
  • Ferne
    26th Aug 2014
    @lare you mean that lower-left swch to light up? or just the bottom-right?
  • iamdumb
    26th Aug 2014
    It's just a pattern made by 2 binary counters, no practical uses (really), @Justice, how would you make it a computer? Logical adders are much faster than incrementing a counter (n) times.
  • lare290
    26th Aug 2014
    someone math guy calculate how long it would take for that green thing to reach other end of that grid on lets say 30FPS?
  • JusticeFighter
    26th Aug 2014
    good job, its beautiful and VERY interesting if you want to make a computer smaller. Tip: The border lines are binary counters, and the other lines depend on the higher/more right counters. Also, switches change if hit by 2 rays.
  • lare290
    26th Aug 2014
    and it CAN have uses, if you just use your imagination-magic
  • lare290
    26th Aug 2014
    fav and +1 just because
  • Arthg
    26th Aug 2014
    Looks cool. But I dont understand what this thing does.