free to copy, just don't just resave this save...
I'd think with the amount of saves I had on frontpage I wouldn't have this problem. I should be an online celeb right now. now everyone believes a celeb :P (narcissism FTW) I'm 16 I'm too old for this shiz. roll the responce -->
The author of the save resaving updates the date try it you're self. obviously you don't know how tpt saves work. Also if this wasn't the original why do I have 100 odd votes (only really achievable if the save has been on FP). not only that but the save ids are in the 2000000s currently this save id is 1612935 this would mean the save is a few years old.
BTW the save is August 2014
But I can't report this becasue I don't know the id of the earlier save.
This is stolen. i have an offline save from an another person years ago.
Definitely not stolen. Definitely cool though.
So cool! Definitely not stolen, but should actually be FP! +10
again without evidence. With this logic you might as well execute an innocent man for murder. Find an earlier save id with the exact same content. I'm sure you won't find anything.
Thought I saw something like this before.
sure, sure where from?