159 / 14
30th Aug 2014
21st Apr 2015
Explains all the modes / features of DRAY so that you don't need to go look in the source. DRAY was added in TPT version 90.2, and originally from my mod.
update tutorial thetagofphilipou philipouforever 1615589 dray ctype tmp2 jacob1


  • jacob1
    6th Sep 2014
    People were uploading a lot of art saves that were just deco but looked cool from the thumbnails, and the other ops didn't like that :P
  • Sandwichlizard
    6th Sep 2014
    why was it disabled?
  • jacob1
    6th Sep 2014
    gbasilva: I like answering questions :D, it's just that nobody asks me many. Also deco isn't actually saved in previews, that was never re-enabled. You can get around it by using LCRY (or EMBR with a script like in my reusable bombs save).Deco in save previews was disabled about 2 years ago (with a lot of drama) but these days nobody complains.
  • Korteweg
    6th Sep 2014
    Also, I've noticed that now save previews are saved with deco. That is great. Oh, and you're a great moderator, thank you for being involved in TPT and for answering our questions with such a great mood!
  • Alucard3598
    5th Sep 2014
    Very useful for the people that are going to use it. :)
  • jacob1
    5th Sep 2014
    Also once this save leaves front page, anyone can still go to my "post bugs here" save to talk to me :). I check that almost every day.
  • ShadeDrake97
    5th Sep 2014
    OH. Ok. I get it now. I rarely downvote. XD It always happens accidentally. .-.
  • jacob1
    5th Sep 2014
    It should be pretty clear that it's attached to the upvote button though.
  • jacob1
    5th Sep 2014
    No, it's only there to make the upvote button bigger and more important, to prevent people from accidentally downvoting. Also downvotes are bad anyway, why would you ):
  • ShadeDrake97
    5th Sep 2014
    So, not to change the subject, but does the little "vote" by the arrows mean we can change our vote if we accidentally hit the wrong button?