159 / 14
30th Aug 2014
21st Apr 2015
Explains all the modes / features of DRAY so that you don't need to go look in the source. DRAY was added in TPT version 90.2, and originally from my mod.
update tutorial thetagofphilipou philipouforever 1615589 dray ctype tmp2 jacob1


  • rememberme
    5th Sep 2014
    I use the rndering tool though :(
  • pepcio73
    4th Sep 2014
    jacob, I am(!) using render options :D
  • Ryymus
    4th Sep 2014
    jacob1 i only have to say one thing about this element do not put a circle of dray and then one of tesla coil next to it and spark the tesla coil
  • jacob1
    3rd Sep 2014
    It is suppoed to do something if you compile the game with OpenGL but I don't know what and OpenGL support is like dead now anyway.
  • jacob1
    3rd Sep 2014
    Because "Does Nothing" is boring and nobody ever goes into render options anyway :P. The only reason I haven't removed it is due to spacing issues.
  • Korteweg
    3rd Sep 2014
    jacob1, could you explain me why there is a button in the rendering options that says it "enables movable solids, stickmen guns and premium (tm) graphics" (in older versions, it is said that the button is useless). Of course that is a joke, but...
  • jacob1
    3rd Sep 2014
    ): Well it is a complicated element.
  • msasterisk
    3rd Sep 2014
    Sorry. Still confused. :(
  • Sandwichlizard
    2nd Sep 2014
    i may just be paranoid. :D
  • Sandwichlizard
    2nd Sep 2014
    @jacob1. I have my concerns about this element. it obsoletes A LOT of technology. kinda grey-goo like.