Recipe (chronological order): 3 clicks of NBLE, 1 click of hydrogen, 1 click of DEUT, 1 click of oxygen, fire up protons, fire up neutrons, wait 7-15 seconds, turn off neutrons, turn off protons. The result? You can find it here! id: 1744398 I hope nobody takes credit for my "sort-of discovery"
this is what i want to create.
Very cool, made trippy EXOt but it died off when i placed it in a sphere. +74357429847562984756345 :)
2 parts hydr+1part Oxyg+prot+neut+grvt=plutonium and water
This is the save ID Sandwichlizard ID:1666432. Thanks again for the parts!
please add this new thing that i made in the lab! the CO2 was made in the lab by fusion, but the DEUT in it acts weird... id:1645025
sure. please give credit. I look forward to seeing it.
Sandwich do you mind if I use some of this save for a build