The Rend-Class Tactical Battlecruiser is a very versatile ship, capable of fulfilling the roles of a battleship and a carrier, albiet not as well as dedicated ships. After 3 major refits, the 900 year old Rend is now a much more lethal and mobile ship.
And you have good knowledge of the function of Heavy Cruisers in conventional naval warfare ;D
Tell you what: I've decided to make non-functional top and side views of all Void Ships, as well as a Weaponry Page and an explanatory Empire Page. I'll make them out of alloy, at least.
thats a shame slender but spore is pretty awesome too
and nice +1
the empire of the void has sadly emigrated to spore and my imagination
nice work nice work i realy want to make a coop work with you
added cooler fighters
Ctrl + + removes all sparks btw
replaced the merc battery with a wwld system
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