This is called Corium (thanks to the help of sentinal-5), but in this save its a mix of Uranium and Plutonium, and I can tell you how it works; Pressure is needed for this to begin. Free to copy and use in your reactors, but credit is needed. Enjoy! :D
It's always on use in many many many many lands...
This isnt a completely new fuel- a year ago it was used in a nuclear reactor to produce energy and to represent uranium-235. Cool that you brought it back, though. +1
this is too awsome to be hated, its INGENIUS, althought the credits parts invaled, its just a mixture.
This is always not fuel. Thats just a Atomic Reactor like you would see in therse Atomic-Buildings. YOU just made it looks like it is something like fuel. (''Only beause he don't know abouth Atomic reactors, don't means isn't a new fuel type!'') This isn't a 'new' fuel type, because its 100% Radioactive. //this game isn't even so good, it don't even knows that if you combine Plutomium and Uranium, and heat it, your ass would blow up if you stand nearby... The Game don't have 'radoactivity'\\
on ur other save u quoted acheivment get do u play mc?
why are ppl so negetive about this its awesome
that is just like MY depleted uranium fuel
Your explanation is flawed and inaccurate. Sorry. The pressure and pressure alone causes PLUT to react (PLUT does not react from the heat URAN produces). The URAN heats up because of the pressure - as long as there's pressure, URAN increases its temperature until the max limit.Also, this isn't something you can take credit for. You blended PLUT and URAN, nothing more. Nobody is obligated to give you credit for using "your" mixture.
this is nothin new, this is know as MOX nuclear fuel (mixed oxide nuclear fuel)
Pure URAN and BOYL is much better; you just have to make sure the BOYL doesn't touch the top of the chamber.