152 / 51
18th Oct 2014
18th Sep 2016
I would really appreciate likes because I spent loads of time (3h) on this.
laser lightning bomb plasma character manga anime girl cute mylittlepony


  • redback_hunter
    26th Oct 2014
    Pff the title reminds me of spike from mlp as he likes a pony called rarity.
  • KinlgRED
    26th Oct 2014
    Keep disliking this, this has been too much uploaded
  • travisw
    23rd Oct 2014
    really? this is like the 50th time u have uploaded this save.
  • sentinal-5
    20th Oct 2014
    when americans say "britain" or "british" or "brit", 99% of the time you actually mean english, or england.
  • sentinal-5
    20th Oct 2014
    heh, well, to start with, there are THOUSANDS of different ways to pronounce words in british accents, british is not a language, us brits speak english, irish, gaelic and welsh. there are thousands of different dialects of each language, moreso than accents. someone from the south of england (the "posh" bit, e.g. london and hampshire and that lot (where i'm from) might be completely unable to understand a thick geordie accent. please take that into account. XD
  • 987tails
    20th Oct 2014
    Lol idk how to explain! I can't pronounce my words in British! I'm American :P
  • sentinal-5
    19th Oct 2014
    @987tails british university.............. :b i can assure you, our universities are not all that different from yours. okay so maybe some of the shoddier london hotels might have wallpaper like that, but most, if not all of our universities are constantly being renovated and fitted with newer buildings, equipment and decor. i don't know about oxbridge, those two are kinda classical, so MIGHT have old wallpaper.. but probably have sleek white walls like the others.
  • 987tails
    19th Oct 2014
    the only excse is where her hands went they probably shoulda been crossed, idk stll good work
  • 987tails
    19th Oct 2014
    and garage good work on the atmoshere of the save, on my POV its very a british university look lol gotta love the brits acents plus the ones that sound more australian! XD
  • 987tails
    19th Oct 2014
    @sentinel that actually would be a great idea! XP