I think I might like tpt.
Hello MrTnetennba this is TPT a place where your can stimulate physics and explore a wide range of substances I would reccomnded u start off by testing out chemical reactions and start to build things
welcome Mr MrTnetennaba to tpt so hopefully u will be one of the best so goodluck :)
wtf this is fp ???
welcome, earthlings!
welcome to this majical world of nuclear bombs wich are insanly confusing when you start but then one day you sudnly make a all powerfull bomb to destroy the world and its very rewarding cause you get6 to make thing boom
welcomee to this amazing game where bombs go cappooooooooofffffaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh and electronics emp themselves and the debry can br urned into exotic matter and stuff, there is alot in this game to be discovered so have fun, like with the secret lol element (press e and type in lol !!!)