23rd Nov 2014
21st Dec 2014
press 5! and unpause
incredible +1
do i never learn to not unpause ? answer: yes
@FeynmanLogomaker Exactly! My younger brother is autistic and he's the computer expert in the house! I mean, it's no surprise since my uncles are good wtih computers (one works at microsoft) but, I think being autistic (or having any "disability") should be something you're proud of.
rememberme: actually, people with autism are known to often be extremely talented artists - for example, there was an autistic man who, after a 20-minute flight over London, completely drew the city from memory. Don't overreact so much.
987tails do NOT make jokes of Autism or I will brutly beat you untill nothing is left. Understand?
you know mimi, i luv your opinions xD
LEAST GOOD!!?? THATS GREAT!! XD idk im either artistic or autistic :P
987tails: OH REALLY, MAYBE I SHOULD LEAVE YOU ON A FARM....IN THE MIDDLE OF A SEA...IN THE MIDDLE OF A SHARK (what? xD) and yeah, it's really good...you actually don't have to ask, all your works are at least good.
elementsofdeath: drink some milk, play some tpt and just don't care, you will feel better <3
hey mimi, you think this is good? ID:1678720