Oh, you guys play WoT! Im almost got T29! and almost got the KV-1, I also have german and french tank destroyers, and M37 Artillery! Love that game. IS terrify me thoug, their guns are powerful as .. idk. :D
IS Series were a very powerful series of russina tanks.. pity they dont use them anymore ;-;
thank you ^.^ when i get it i will put a picture up on here of it ^.^ infact i should put up every tank i have in my garage currently XD LOL get ready for a long list of tanks over 38 tanks in garage XD i love me my soviet tanks
They're great tanks... and wow, IS-3? nice!
HEY! im an IS driver about to get my IS-3 only 10,000 xp away
I love destroying this tank in WoT
nvm but tank very good +1 xD
aaaaa communist! fck the communism! fck the communism!