29th Nov 2014
30th Nov 2014
accidental discovery if you ctrl+shift click fill the area encased with diamond with hygn it will break the diamond shell containing it.
in a way, it does, the particles began to stack so high it removes dmnd and places bhol.
it doesn't destroy diamond, use dmg inside and out of the diamond circle after use
lol i was actually just trying to compress a ball of superheated uranium into bouncing around the ring but then i added dmnd and hygn :P
@Puffinlump, ehole can hold so much more energy than regular space, and superdense energy with the same matter as less dense matter?? look it up. Anyways, you must have been messing around with fusion. Nice save! :D
Sure go ahead im cool with it!
So, I was able to solve the problems pertaining to the perpetual fusion for your design. Would you (Alfa) alow me to upload my version (which admittedly looks similar to yours) if I gave credit? I'd also be giving credit to one other person, as they had also inspired me, but it wasn't inspiration off of design.
that hate though. (down one comment!)
why is this still on FP
Powder physics....
Dmnd doesn't break