59 / 17
13th Dec 2014
1st Jan 2015
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starwars episode6 destroyer stardestroyer trap usedeut space


  • Xerr88
    14th Dec 2014
    aren't destroyers supposed to be the escourt?
  • Death_Silence_66
    14th Dec 2014
    props for having gravity set to off
  • Death_Silence_66
    14th Dec 2014
    I suggest you make external controls for all the ships. is the medium sized ships are frigates, this would be a crusier by weight class. an interior wouldent hurt and same goes for some kind of reactor. a simple uran/pump/tsns would fit in the empty spaces pretty well.
  • Death_Silence_66
    14th Dec 2014
    The tungsten by the engine shattered. i suggest you replace it with insl or ttan.
  • SlenderHunter
    14th Dec 2014
    Then again, the only thing that exists about MY space empire is an explanation, because if i tried to make a ship it would be a blob (which it is supposed to be) ... So well done for fp. +1
  • SlenderHunter
    14th Dec 2014
    Only less neat or well planned.
  • SlenderHunter
    14th Dec 2014
    The big one looks suspiciously like a Rend-Class Battlecruiser from Death_Silence's Entropy Unlimited Empire -.-
  • 987tails
    14th Dec 2014
    MUTINY! if your refering to the fleet shooting at the mother xD
  • TheNumberCrucher
    14th Dec 2014
    i think its cool. but the buttons seem to do thr same things a lot, like the engine settings on the ones with walls, make cannons fire on the big ship. still cool :)
  • hdp
    14th Dec 2014
    there not bad they are probably what the first space explorers will look like so technically they are good