Witness the life and death of a P.T. star with this little fusion chamber. Stars will slightly differ every replay. Last 2-4 min. This was so fun to make. Enjoy! Credit goes to Alfa(id:1683916) and Alexzander(id:1689167) for inpiration of chamber design.
to answer that scientists said: Well, if 4 stars exploded near eachother, a star can for inbetween them. Watch: Kent Hovind Creation Seminar on youtube for more details. This is covered in Part 7a-Part 7e. VERY INTERESTING stuff.
So that means that we are losing more stars than gaining. Which proves the universe cannot be 18-20 billion years old.
NOW REMEMBER! THIS IS IMPORTANT! Scientists have NEVER SEEN a star being born, this is a theory. YOu know what that means? Stars blow up all the time, stars being born has never been seen.
It worked well for a while but then filled with molten bmtl. But it was still very good.
i have a challenge for you agus: this star sim doesnt work if air is turned off (as there is no air in space) is there any way you can change that?
When it reaches stage 3 add plasma
nevermind i found it its cool. thanks again buddy :D
where is the display menu? (sorry super new to this game)
thanks pal :D
emporer5, go into the display menu, and move your mouse over each of the display options (the boxes). It will name each one, so you can then find gravity lensing and turn it off (uncheck the box).