910 / 35
19th Dec 2014
8th Jul 2019
I hope you enjoy the celestial show; it's worth the lag. Universe takes roughly 2-4 minutes to fully form and lasts a long time. It differs every replay. Inspired by the Illustris Project. Good music for this:
space simulator bigbang universe explosion realistic star fusion matter neblua


  • Atomic10
    23rd Dec 2014
    sentinal-5: Oh my god... That is so true... You sir, are the most logical person here... You earn a cookie.
  • RCAProduction
    23rd Dec 2014
    LOL nice satire there sentinal
  • Merely
    23rd Dec 2014
    science is the way man
  • sentinal-5
    23rd Dec 2014
    XD lol, did you see it?
  • Metaforce
    23rd Dec 2014
    #sentinal-5 thank god im scientifically minded. wait what?...
  • sentinal-5
    23rd Dec 2014
    god is in the hearts and minds of those who are unable to comprehend the infinite complexity of the universe and are afraid of having to fend for themselves. god is someone to turn to when you're too old to breastfeed from mummy anymore and need emotional support. god is emotional support for those who are.. not scientifically minded..
  • Metaforce
    23rd Dec 2014
    Im loving it. Cant stop pressing the redo button.... BOOM AND AGAIN BOOM AND AGAIN BOOM. OH NO it froze. REDO! AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN! booooom. woah huge planets.
  • Metaforce
    23rd Dec 2014
    1+ amazing simulator. Unvierse simoolater 2014 - 69.69$ discount price!
  • Metaforce
    23rd Dec 2014
    I see the universe. GOD is us ourselves. dun dun dun.... I AM GOD AND YOU ARE GOD. THERE IS ALL GOD DONT BE AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES IN TEH UNIVERSE GOD IS EVERYONE!!! even aliens.
  • TheExus
    23rd Dec 2014
    ya, where is God?