910 / 35
19th Dec 2014
8th Jul 2019
I hope you enjoy the celestial show; it's worth the lag. Universe takes roughly 2-4 minutes to fully form and lasts a long time. It differs every replay. Inspired by the Illustris Project. Good music for this:
space simulator bigbang universe explosion realistic star fusion matter neblua


  • sentinal-5
    23rd Dec 2014
    @TheExus obvious troll is obvious. nobody is that retarded.
  • kyledudey
    22nd Dec 2014
    @TheExus NASA`s scientists claim to have found remains of radiation outside of our solar system. I got a theory that TheExus doesnt do reasearch on the topic than before he/she says something isn't true. Use scientific method. Closing thread.
  • SuperSupermario24
    22nd Dec 2014
    @TheExus: So, the fact that nobody has simply seen it completely invalidates years of scientific research and conf-- actually, I'm going to spend my time elsewhere instead of wasting it on you.
  • agustrusher
    22nd Dec 2014
    TheExus, oh you! You're so funny! Arguing about the origins of the universe in the comments of a save made in a "falling sand" game that has no true bearing or representation of reality and the universe we presently live in. Not to mention the fact that I put quotation marks around the "Big Bang" to represent the literal meaning (a big explosion) and not the scientific theory, or the fact that I made this save for people looking to see something pretty and cool. So please, troll somewhere else.
  • DogsRNice
    22nd Dec 2014
    @TheExus lol
  • TheExus
    22nd Dec 2014
    Looks like you have something there, the only way to simulate the "Big Bang" is by letting nothing explode.
  • TheExus
    22nd Dec 2014
    The hotter something gets, it will spread apart, not the other way around. Also, there are planets and a whole galaxy that spin backwards... Big Bang is dumb.
  • TheExus
    22nd Dec 2014
    Also it breaks the laws of Physics on Heat affecting matter changes.
  • TheExus
    22nd Dec 2014
    Realistic? THe Big Bang has 0 evidence. watch: Kent Hovind Creation Seminar on youtube... Not a Single person even seen a star form. There are no logical explanaitions on it because we don't understand gravity.
  • JjMmccnerd1
    22nd Dec 2014
    the most accurate universe simulator