it would be a nightmare to fight with this in an urban enviroment too
6th the weight and small engine combined with the extreme length of this tank will RUIN this behemoths mobility, maybe 20kph on road peak and finnaly 7th there is a crew member in the middle of the tank doing nothing apparently,its cramped, doesent have a hatch to exit from and it looks VERY cramped in there
7 problems: 1st of all this tank would be EXTREMELY heavy, with the next problem making it even worse, 2nd the fuel above the engine takes up alot of space, restricting how big the engine can be(and hard to repair the engine), 3rd the cannon is huge compared to the turret, loading the cannon will be much slower and elevation/depression angles will be much lower 4th, the tank is absolutely HUGE making it impossible to transport, 5th ERA and armor being where it shouldnt be
looks like the obj 263 from wotb
The tank's done for if it runs over a mine or an IED.
@apophis Since this tank is from the side view, you really can't tell if it has a turret or not. It could possibly be a very low mounted turret with minimal space between the hull and the turret.
Great design! although i have to say, without a 360-degree turret, it would technically be a tank destroyer or SPG. Otherwise really cool.