Here's a good demo of the concept! 1649412. The ends definitely do justify the means, and the ability to penetrate deeply and open really large gashes as soon as the save starts, there's just so much LIGH can do that azure warp can't. It's a great combo.
And the lightning can penetrate a lot of heat sinks, like LAVA, which makes it REALLY good for getting down to INSL, or other vulnerable elements, which the lightning can then further damage.
SPRK-LIGH basically stacks a TON of spark, an extremely large amount, and when hit with a proton releases a lightning bolt. Say you have a deut-proton bomb nearby. Each proton hitting a particle releases one lightning bolt, and each cluster of sprk-ligh can be hit with a proton about 4 times. They have around 30-70 layers, I don't remember. That's a LOT of lightning.
And I'm well aware of the BHOl problem, but pressure keeps wall particles away from the BHOL so I don't consider it cheating. That and the BHOL is essentially stationary. It does cause loss of warp, prot, deut, and other stuff, but it's worth it. That overstacking allows for sprk-ligh.
Oh, and @Jimmyfriend, your bomb generates BHOL due to overeccesive stacking. You shoud delete some layers.
It gets harder as u go down
i scored 4 with my weakest bomb
Oh! I just realised a SERIOUS error in my win mechanism. I fixed it now.