now back on the subject of the group, you will leave Beastly the group name?
8-Click in "Gravatar" and create a account in the Gravatar site. 9-Maybe the photo just load on the TPT after a few hours, if your picture on TPT be all black, make sure you created the account on Gravatar correctly and activated it in the mail.
Tutorial, how to get a pic for caracter: 1-Enter in this site 2-Click in the Login button and login. 3-Click in My profile. 4-Click in Edit profile. 5-Click in Upload avatar. 6-Select you image from you caracter 7-Click in Upload Continue...
but what do you need to do?
how do you get a pic for your caricter?
yes you can actiolly i started to do that but i gave up can you do stuff like fast builder logo maker ... and ok i see your point abuot the beast lets keep the theam/ logos
can I do medals? (those that you get if you are a good member)
leaves anyway, it was good, but I think when people see this demonic homepage and "beastly" in the name, will think that the group has to do with the beast
how you remake the logo and itlooks like a crain is the 1st t and it is building a building on the left side?