This is my basic computer, version II. New ALU, decoders, and address changers. Please suggest improvements and post issues! Thanks!! :D
Amazing work! Too bad the workspace is limited in TPT and a huge processor can't be made. +1
Er, this ID is the published version I just put up ID:2199487
This thing is from march of 2015. It developed into this (still outdated but I occasionally add to it): ID:1824446
yay secret save-tracking to the rescue!
You could use FILT for memory instead of SWCH if you wanted higher information density.
oh... If i knew that... +1
It seems people liked this save, so i'm putting the original one back on front page for a day. The one by Diazo was stolen, and got more votes than the original.
Those are currently the only commands programmed into the decoder. However, there are places for 12 others, supposing the decoder stays same length.
do you have more instructions than th three yuo wrote down? you clould probably calculate the universe with them xD
How does this work? the best thing I know how to make is a safety switch. +1!