credits to nikiangelok11112 for the caped stkm
GalacticCat, the save may get blocked in Russia, they're against suicide info, "Teens commit suicides because of info on the Internet, so let's block ALL THE SITES!!!!!11"
we dont apply what we say to others onto ourselves or our families, so dont force me to be a sociopath
Anyone who thinks that suicide is "ok" or it's "funny" or anything bad about about people who do it out of depression is a horrible person.
how did you give your stickman so much health?!
You guys do realise that if you bash this save but play games like GTA you're just hypocrites? I hope that you never played such a game, or closed at the first moment you had to murder someone.
Nice touch.
Like the blood feature ;)
@GalacticCat if there were a way, I would have made three accounts already to +1 your comments. Good to see there is more than one person that has some decent logic. Actually, more than decent logic according to the lack of inteligence here.
well it looks like ill have to face the truth.
Wow, someone is sensitive to a pixel commiting suicide? CMON PPL!