credits to nikiangelok11112 for the caped stkm
@Its_In_Alpha how do I give +1 on your comment?
@Xelleld Because it is nervous? you are talking about freedom of expression but this overwhelming a save that does not break any rules (apart from that of the logos that is irrelevant). You really are not prepared for life, I've seen much worse, and not only in games, in real life. A person who is depressed seeing a picture of a few pixels of a stickman hanging on a rope does not deserve my respect and no respect of life. Sorry if my opinion is very direct.
This must be your first time outside of Tumblr I assume? Its a cold place out here in the real world.
Its a save! The irony. Free speech goes both ways hun. This save is an example of free speech. These trigger warnings are unneccesary. I delt with depression for a long time. The only person that could save me was ME. And thats just what i did; saved myself So if you are too weak save yourself, go seek help and dont click on saves named "stick man suicide" for christ sake. @Xelleld
you should make a pirate hang scene!
+1 for creativity. Jeez guys its not like he's telling you to commit suicide give him a break.
No one said you had to click this... Not sure whats with all the rage.
Whats so funny about suicide. Yo jacob, demote this shit to bottom of the barrel. It makes me sad to see this every day i play TPT.
sad :(
And to @Its_In_Alpha, that just made you sound like you don't even deserve to be called a human being. You say "the weak" commit suicide like it's a good thing. And I already know that people are going to bash me for my comments, but I have my free speech, and I'm going to state my own opinion. And that some deserve to be on the verge of suicide? I'd bet you think you are such a perfect person, don't you?