71 / 26
22nd Mar 2015
14th Jun 2015
credits to nikiangelok11112 for the caped stkm
stkm glitch press0w controversial fuuuu noooooooooooooo icryevrytim


  • polobob
    23rd Mar 2015
    @shinra why would sensitive people even click on anupload called "stickman suicide"?
  • shinra
    23rd Mar 2015
    Putting an option for you to not look at it or look at something "happier" doesn't solve the problem, it just puts duck tape on the leaky dam of the problem. I'm not saying that I passionately want this taken down or anything or that it will absolutely cause someone to go into a severe state of depression, I'mjust stating the fact that its not good for people sensitive to it and putting an option not to look at it won't cause people sensitive to it to not just look at it anyway
  • shinra
    23rd Mar 2015
    The fact still stands that it isn't jsut that it could be a trigger for people who suffer from severe depression or are sensitive to thigs having to do with suicide and this could be a trigger to them. I personally don't want the saveon the front page, because, though it shows the interesting things you can do with the properties of this game, it is also a very depressing trigger for those who are sensitive to such topics.
  • hjkj
    23rd Mar 2015
    Okay guys, you can stop complaining. He/She added a "yes" button. If you are still complaining after this, blame it on yourself. You didnt have to press "NO!!!"
  • sentinal-5
    23rd Mar 2015
    XD oh god.. a little overkill. i personally don't have a problem with it at all, i've known people who comitted suicide and my friend was run over by a farmers grain hauler.. it was really sad and i still miss him but this isn't him. it was in the past. the only reason i said what i did before is because there are other people who are more sensetive to it.
  • polobob
    23rd Mar 2015
    oh i think the BRAY of 200 life was enough of a warning, why would anyone sensitive to suicide even click on this? i think you went a littile too far with the yes/no button. maybe turn the yes button to a "SAVE HIM" button?
  • polobob
    23rd Mar 2015
    @jacksonmj we need more people like you in this world
  • DevOps
    23rd Mar 2015
    lol +1
  • GalacticCat
    23rd Mar 2015
    but I hope you will consider: indirectly, are three logos have in my saves, since two of them are of the same person (I), and the design of the Brazil flag with the phrase is not a logo, it's just a phrase that I like to emphasize in my saves
  • GalacticCat
    23rd Mar 2015
    I'm not getting exclude logos, when I delete and try to save, the save goes wrong, the SOAP bug disappears. Guess I'll have to leave anyway, you can take save exit the FP. at least the save will keep running, although outside the FP.