credits to nikiangelok11112 for the caped stkm
what if i've had a suicide in the family but am not oversensative to a joke that even had nicely censored itself so i didnt have to see it if i didn't want to? should i still exit the save?
People like that honestly need to get over themselves.
@polobob People like you are not the ones who deserve to be on the verge of suicide. Its the others; the weak.
@muzau, you are the reason for the crappiness that America and the rest of the world has to deal with in ploitics and getting things done. You are one of the "Politically correct" Nazis that cry and whine when there is the slightest hint of controversy. GlacticCat has his/her own save, which includes its own title, which is his/her OWN WORK. Go start a comitee of some sort so people can pretend to care you siren.
@mazau this isnt even offensive to me and im getting close to "it". @xelled just because its "no laughing matter" doesnt mean we cant make jokes about it. we can make jokes about death if we so choose. death jokes is just a thing like school jokes and stuff like that (to me at least). someone got hurt in the upload/a video? big deal. move on. why are people so sensitive (or am i sociopathic)
-1, obviously some interesting physics but this is wildly innapropriate. GalacticCat, you might consider that this is an incredibly offensive save to anyone who has had to deal with close suicide. It is childish and wrong not to recognize this.
This isn't Tumblr guys, stop whining about a joke.
@everyone though, no one whines when someone makes a war save? Look at the past century and try to tell me more people died from suicide than war. I'm not saying suicide is no big deal, I'm saying it has just risen pretty quickly in the 21st century, so talking about war in the 20th century is like talking about suicide now.
really though, why would you even make this?