gos is cat online OMG! *faints*
euhuehuehueheuheuheuehueheuehueheuheuehuehueheuheuheuheuheueheuheuehueheuheueheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuhe :)
You could call this suicide a CATastrophe
if everyone think on this side, could not be saved with guns, bombs and the game designers could not the aggressive fighters with stickmans, but if you think it this way, I'm sorry, I'll put a warning the save side
;-; (whispers) Dont worry little stickman I'll respawn you
i'm sorry, this is well made. but i know several people who would be affected VERY badly by this. one of my best friends found her dad hanging in her garage when she was only around 10-11.. she was literally scarred for life. now i don't know about you but if i made someone in her situation see something like this i'd feel pretty bad.. there are a lot of people on the powder toy. i wonder how many of them knew someone who comitted suicide. think about it.