1250 / 29
31st Mar 2015
4th Jun 2022
FIXED (credit to Draco712 for fix). 29-bit computer. Play the number game for an easter egg! Credit to SandwichLizard for display concept (ID: 1620783) and arK for dmux design. Video of computer in action:
smart adder electronics calculator filt game program typewriter processor computer


  • 08ohib
    28th Aug 2015
    After use Character string demo, and return to menu, is only say: 2. Guess the G Mecharacter String Demo4.eerroo..OL!
  • MaximusWhitimus
    16th Aug 2015
    10 x 9001, hundreths of a second in my brain, long enough to give up with this computer, yet i cannot grasp the first thing about its complexity
  • Say_yo
    15th Aug 2015
    It blows itself with EMP!
  • Synergy
    8th Aug 2015
    Hmm, that's interesting. I tried it just then and got 1. I wouldn't be surprised if clearing the screen might have the potential to break something though. I was originally going to get rid of the button, as the only time clear-screen is needed is when the program does it through an instruction.
  • Willt125
    8th Aug 2015
    I broke subtraction by clearing the screen before entering the first number. Apparently 3 - 2 equals 331 or -536870581.
  • Korteweg
    31st Jul 2015
    This is great.
  • Skaterboybob
    28th Jul 2015
    I wish i could make something for this, But I have no idea how to use the assembler
  • Skaterboybob
    28th Jul 2015
    and here i am barely able to make a power plant
  • MoffD
    23rd Jul 2015
    How did I miss this beautiful save? :O +1 internet and otherwise
  • 12Me21
    20th Jul 2015
    There should be a way for it to start a fire under the insl in the part labeled "ctrl", It's much funnier than just creating bombs everywhere.