1250 / 29
31st Mar 2015
4th Jun 2022
FIXED (credit to Draco712 for fix). 29-bit computer. Play the number game for an easter egg! Credit to SandwichLizard for display concept (ID: 1620783) and arK for dmux design. Video of computer in action:
smart adder electronics calculator filt game program typewriter processor computer


  • Urumasi
    8th Apr 2015
    The best part about this is making a single program for example getting the square of the input, then it doesn't work you get angry and scrap it
  • LBPHacker
    8th Apr 2015
    I might be in the wrong here, but I think a save may be on FP for no more than a week. I've seen the same happening to other awesome saves.
  • travisw
    8th Apr 2015
    Why did this go off the FP?
  • xteric
    8th Apr 2015
    I'm convinced that if this was made at about the same time of tpthalsc. It would've got second page.
  • xteric
    8th Apr 2015
    oh no... it's gone from FP! R.I.P Synergy PC. May you forever rest in the huge pile of old saves.
  • travisw
    7th Apr 2015
    This is quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen on TPT. +1 and favorite.
  • Synergy
    7th Apr 2015
    Also, if you look under the "BCD > BIN" sign, the little box transforms incremental 8 frame sparks into FILT wavelengths.
  • Synergy
    7th Apr 2015
    xteric, sorry I forgot to reply to your PM. I like the idea. However, removing the bin>bcd and bcd>bin converters would make it less user friendly. Otherwise you're forced to input/output in binary.
  • xteric
    7th Apr 2015
    so basically. It's a computer for non-developers who dosen't need to bcd>bin or bin>bcd
  • xteric
    7th Apr 2015
    @AwesomeBroTy. I'm currently working on a Synergy PC Consumer edition. It's a modified verison of this PC but a smaller type and a MUCH LARGER EFFFING KEYBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!