FIXED (credit to Draco712 for fix). 29-bit computer. Play the number game for an easter egg! Credit to SandwichLizard for display concept (ID: 1620783) and arK for dmux design. Video of computer in action:
The best part about this is making a single program for example getting the square of the input, then it doesn't work you get angry and scrap it
I might be in the wrong here, but I think a save may be on FP for no more than a week. I've seen the same happening to other awesome saves.
Why did this go off the FP?
I'm convinced that if this was made at about the same time of tpthalsc. It would've got second page.
oh no... it's gone from FP! R.I.P Synergy PC. May you forever rest in the huge pile of old saves.
This is quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen on TPT. +1 and favorite.
Also, if you look under the "BCD > BIN" sign, the little box transforms incremental 8 frame sparks into FILT wavelengths.
xteric, sorry I forgot to reply to your PM. I like the idea. However, removing the bin>bcd and bcd>bin converters would make it less user friendly. Otherwise you're forced to input/output in binary.
so basically. It's a computer for non-developers who dosen't need to bcd>bin or bin>bcd
@AwesomeBroTy. I'm currently working on a Synergy PC Consumer edition. It's a modified verison of this PC but a smaller type and a MUCH LARGER EFFFING KEYBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!