FIXED (credit to Draco712 for fix). 29-bit computer. Play the number game for an easter egg! Credit to SandwichLizard for display concept (ID: 1620783) and arK for dmux design. Video of computer in action:
just out of interest what sort of background knowlage do you guys have in order to create these saves?, also awesome save +1
Holy shit this is really good. I've been wanting to make one of these but never got started. Good job man. +1
...MIND...BLOWN...Should you be out making a super microsoft computer? Or curing cancer or something?
you could add a number 5. Notes. Even though i don't understand this machine its a nice idea to add that.
Amazing! I could only imagine what would be possible if PT had more than 612x384
I'm try start computer and analyzing frame by frame to see if I can understand something of what happens but my mind bug hahahaha How many days did it take you to make this, guy?
Anyone want to start porting PT over so it can run on this thing?
If you are using Jacob1's mod addition for some reason breaks the computer. Not too sure why.
very impressive! Thank you for sharing this with us! The computer information is very cool! but the calculator doesn't work with me... Maybe my fault? I start using digital technologies a wile ago, but is this realy counted binair?
Purple is the best color in the universe.