1250 / 29
31st Mar 2015
4th Jun 2022
FIXED (credit to Draco712 for fix). 29-bit computer. Play the number game for an easter egg! Credit to SandwichLizard for display concept (ID: 1620783) and arK for dmux design. Video of computer in action:
smart adder electronics calculator filt game program typewriter processor computer


  • mr_snrub
    6th Apr 2015
    just out of interest what sort of background knowlage do you guys have in order to create these saves?, also awesome save +1
  • Darkn1883r
    6th Apr 2015
    Holy shit this is really good. I've been wanting to make one of these but never got started. Good job man. +1
  • AWSM007
    6th Apr 2015
    ...MIND...BLOWN...Should you be out making a super microsoft computer? Or curing cancer or something?
  • electriclance
    6th Apr 2015
    you could add a number 5. Notes. Even though i don't understand this machine its a nice idea to add that.
  • Corpsey
    6th Apr 2015
    Amazing! I could only imagine what would be possible if PT had more than 612x384
  • GalacticCat
    6th Apr 2015
    I'm try start computer and analyzing frame by frame to see if I can understand something of what happens but my mind bug hahahaha How many days did it take you to make this, guy?
  • Sourec
    5th Apr 2015
    Anyone want to start porting PT over so it can run on this thing?
  • drrs
    5th Apr 2015
    If you are using Jacob1's mod addition for some reason breaks the computer. Not too sure why.
  • loekwous
    5th Apr 2015
    very impressive! Thank you for sharing this with us! The computer information is very cool! but the calculator doesn't work with me... Maybe my fault? I start using digital technologies a wile ago, but is this realy counted binair?
  • kaan999
    5th Apr 2015
    Purple is the best color in the universe.