1247 / 29
31st Mar 2015
4th Jun 2022
FIXED (credit to Draco712 for fix). 29-bit computer. Play the number game for an easter egg! Credit to SandwichLizard for display concept (ID: 1620783) and arK for dmux design. Video of computer in action:
smart adder electronics calculator filt game program typewriter processor computer


  • johnfaber
    3rd Apr 2015
  • Demoman200
    3rd Apr 2015
    This is a very cool computer! A couple things to say: First, is there a processor instruction for the "easter egg"? How did you do that? Second, multiplication is pretty slow. Do you have a hardware multiplier or is it software (i.e. repeated addition)?
  • Urumasi
    3rd Apr 2015
    The script is explained as a comment, it basically takes a file of 30 1s and 0s after eachother and sets the ctype of the ROM FILT to that number.
  • Synergy
    3rd Apr 2015
    Gotta find a way to get more space for defining instructions. Hmm. Maybe I can use the 30th bit. I don't think that could conflict with anything else, so long as I only use it for the control unit.What does the lua do?
  • Synergy
    3rd Apr 2015
    Urumasi, that's something I was thinking about. I also want an instruction to write directly to RAM from user input without having to use a register as the RAM address. I just didn't have space, so I though that would be the more useful instruction, but it can be damn inconvenient when all you want to do is do a simple input.
  • Urumasi
    3rd Apr 2015
    Also since you have one instruction as reset which is gonna be removed, I'd like a way to write a constant to a registery so I don't have to write CONST -> RAM and then RAM -> REG
  • Urumasi
    3rd Apr 2015
    Cooked up a little lua script
  • jerry306
    3rd Apr 2015
    Wow, I like it. Thankyou for that.
  • oldmud0
    3rd Apr 2015
    Is the program counter in big endian?
  • oldmud0
    3rd Apr 2015
    Nice, although no input/incorrect choice on a dialog will crash the computer with no reset available.