some people have a Growth Mindset while others have a fixed. that WE is just 1:10000 people in the world.
@darkstar would it kill you if i said these are my saves, my freedom. if you really wanna have no mlp on your screen, erase it! but if you say that you don't want me to have what i feel i like , you violate that freedom on not just my stuff but other peoples stuff. if your so much as say that crap you said to me to others, you can argue with Jacob1 or jackson. i don't care who's that WE, cause there are as much as people than those "WE DONT" peeps.
@drgonball i luv dragon ball Z! zat count?
k m8. its ok if u like mlp but we dont wnat that on saves. just chill with ok? kthxbye
see my super saiyan 3 simulator id 1769176
if you love dragonball see your fav vilian dies >:D idd=1769072
im just gonna throw my replicator in *throws it* wait what ! AAAAAHHHHHH *dead*
i wanna see if any of you know what this game is 1768772
Tmo97 you have no idea what 987tails is. XD
Yo dude. Oldie here. Real nice, but just curious why you're pretending to be a cartoon character; which I am pretty sure of that you are not.