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Bobcraft3 : You cant rename saves, when you try, it just posts a new save ):
Also @Vinayak, they couln't keep moving forwards due to there being no gaps. a few of them move forward in the first frame, then they're all forced to either die or turn
directionally biased ai is so bad
Why couldn't all the tron just move in a straight line and not die?! *facepalm*
i know its tron i renamed it tron
This isn't life! Life is found under the "life" tab, which does function symmetrically (diametrically and rotationally)
It's just the way tron is programmed. For some reason it's dumber when it's going to the right than when it's going to the left. Time to check the source on GitHub.
I don't get it.
any reason why it acts this way? weird powder toy physics or something?
i know its tron lol i was thinking life when i typed it