I found bug on railway construction (can't go to station)
It kinda reminds me of Edge of Tomorrow, if u seen that film you'll know
Yep! Even though the Iron side is winning and the other side is not (not to be racist or anything, it's like another world) but it's kinda like that.
I thought it was D-Day ._. but I think this time is more modern
This save was kinda based off a particular day... can anyone guess?
Oh, and the devs are still active. I've chatted to them. I don't know much about cracker64, but Jacob1 is definitly active.
wow, I have 2 FP. @vepr2 well, TPT is not dying. I think it's because all the older members you knew at the time left. We still have good people in this community, you just need to know where to look :)
and as soon as i post something i see grammer errors...
@Voyager15 I know about all of the elements but yeah, it seems like tpt is dieing... whitch i don't like to see because its a very good game. also, i dont see any mods like jacob1 or cracker64, where are they? are the devs still working on the game?