This save is closed, if you want a logo go to "I make logos for free 4", id:1846704
hmmm make a round blue shield simular to captain americas exept the white is silver and the red is blue and put aside it 987tails or just 987
Can I have a logo? :)
I did but I think I did wrong, you wanted another way?
ah ok!
like this, "The B0mb Ceator" The 0 represents the bomb.
did not understand the part of O
Can i please submit the idea of a TBC with an old-fasioned bombs with The, (below the T) Bomb (Below the B) And Creator (Below the C) and the bomb part cou;d be for the O, i will pay with a nice favorite, and a like.
Have a specific theme?
Can you please make a logo for me also?
I made your logo in the 2, up there in the corner, but if you want me to change here I change :)