could you make me an Ikran?
You want me to do the omega symbol of gold and write Dal below?
Could you make me a omega flage logo that flaps and could you make the omega gold and please put the name DAL at the bottem of the omega please and thank you!!
Group details: I want it to say Technological Noobs and look like this image : and can you make some parts of it glow?
for the next I make logos for free
GalacticCat Can you make me a BlasterGuy Logo? (Just Suprise me with a gun or something like that)
@Pepper1Boy I finished your logo, the way you asked. It may sound simple, but it is very time consuming to do so, due to the involvement of Electronics and "calculate the time" of the DLAY. I hope you like :3 @lagnificent I've done a logo for you in "I make logos for free 2!" But if you want me to do another, in your favorite theme, I do. You choose, I make?