This save is closed, if you want a logo go to "I make logos for free 4", id:1846704
can i have one pleasee
can you make a bear standing on my nickname?
or just click on trial 3 maxwell on top of the page
to find maxwell PIXELATED install the app "BF WIKI and search "creator maxwell" OR go to this website and scroll down till u see a godlike being holding a spear... with odd colored eyes website:
ok cool
can you make my name then a creeper under it
please make me one need a new logo something tech-like
IDK what is "maxwell from brave frontier trial 3", please send a image to me
plz make a logo with maxwell from brave frontier trial 3 (not 3rd world boss) and my name in PRTO
hey can you make me like two potions mixing together into one with my name, that would be great.