Wait, Why does METL melt Rubidium, but PTCT doesn't?
YOU TOOK MY ADVICE! I feel so starstruck... How is this not on the front page anymore? I fully support you.
I modified the pixi block he used, but it uses wifi, and sence there are only 99 chanels, that would be something like a 9 by 9 or 8 by 8 block of pixels
soz, ran out of room, i meant to say: "... And who is the idiot who clicked the red arrow!?!?!?"
Thanks, nice update, it just needs to be faster, see if you can get rid of the whole circit board on the side, and maybe the way it starts to write because that slows it a lot... and who is the idiot who c
Updated: more wifi, changed keyboard materials, now selects output position using a 3 bit bidirectional binary counter.
Mophead800: Yes, rubidium is perfect! Thanks. (Using a PTCT background to stop rubidium melting, since LRBD can sometimes transfer spark through INSL)
somerandom216: Wifi accepts a spark from any conductor except NSCN, and only gives out a spark to PSCN/NSCN. The conductor must be directly touching the wifi.
OH WIFI! that i don't know
@ some random, you connect a metal peice to it then spark it, it goes in a direction it's pointing in so i'd make a tube for the signal to go through