Do you feel like a jerk? Do you feel the need to make everyone's lives suck? Do you like to mess with people's stuff? Then stop reading this description and get the new Hack Chip TM! Seriously, stop reading this description and look at the save!
how to do the sign: copy the long message. paste it in the sign. and ta da!
MoffD: I am completely aware of that. I'm just going with the theme here. Other saves related to this one all use the term 'hack'. But the Hack Chip TM puts an end to that! Because, it is, the ultimate hacker.
it's neat, but PLEASE STOP CALLING THESE "HACK" DEVICES! wifi breaker? sure! but it's not like it's designed to exploit a save's use of wifi other than destroying it by, for lack of a better term, shorting its connections
12Me21: Cool! I fully support it! Man! My self-esteem levels are OVER 9000 because so many people are being inspired by me!
I made the smallest possible! only 2 pixels!!!!! id:1781197 (well, technically, 102 PARTICLES, but it fits in the space of 2 pixels)
szymon727327163: Lololololol. No not at all!
@szymon727327163 The Gaben police will arrest you and take your wallet. Be careful with this thing.
Will I get VAC-banned for using this hack?
blob display
Atomic10, i've made something like that, but with conv. What do you think? 1780893