LostFox is actually in honour of the user who gave me the "subzzzzzzzz"
Rstraiarc is actually a combination of words: Relentless, Strength, Raider, monARChy.
This has gone too far. I could come up with an excuse, but I choose to face the consequences. Please disregard these hateful comments, I am really sorry. I have nothing against the save, nor against the names. At least not anymore. You can probably guess what I mean, as I don't want to make myself clear. Also, what does "Rstriarc" mean? Ignore the comments. I am terribly sorry. I take back the offense against anyone harmed by my hatred.
Don't get me wrong, it is really nice. I was one of the first to upvote it, when there were only a few vehicles. Just read my comments at the last (first) page. The only problem is a name. If you look at the unterseeboots you'll know what I'm talking about.
This was fine, until an update brought a repulsive name. I wish I could take my upvote back.
Saying "rstrairc" is pretty darned hard. heres how (Re-strar-arc)
Isn't the "Rstrairc" just a variant of the "Lostfox" with more guns?
That moment when you're enemy's orbital cannon just went overdrive.