488 / 16
18th May 2015
19th Aug 2017
It took me about 4 hours total to put this together. There is a few easter eggs here and there, let's see if you can find any! Credit to FenymanLogomaker for the fonts! I built everything by myself.
realistic banhammer powdertoyception meta thepowdertoy truth tech arts nutshell exterminate


  • Voyager15
    21st May 2015
    I'm out of ideas, though.
  • finnandjake
    21st May 2015
    please update
  • ElectroBit
    21st May 2015
    bokiigogipowder, I mean the NEWB save in Voyager15's save, not Voyager15.
  • Hamsterboy
    21st May 2015
    ProtoBlast: I suppose that it is made to represent that the ally makes people know who are those people that ruin TPT (considering that after sparking the ally's turret it erases the R and the text is turned to ''I hate you save'' like if he were hating whole TPT) , like making a save to report a user and make him feel like a dork
  • bokiigogipowder
    21st May 2015
    ElectroBit h isnt a newb
  • ProtoBlast
    21st May 2015
    By the way: Why does Ally make Hater's "your" spelling even worse? What's that supposed to represent?
  • ProtoBlast
    21st May 2015
    Cosmic is right. Judging by the information we're given ("One of them makes you win", "This one makes you a loser"), the "noob" button makes you win, as there is one button which makes you win and it can't be the one which says "loser", being the other.
  • cosmicguy
    21st May 2015
    But probably not. Just thought i'd point that out. I'm not sure why.
  • cosmicguy
    21st May 2015
    Technically, the troll save isn't wrong. One makes you a loser, which means you don't win, and the other makes you a noob, which, while still insulting, doesn't necessarily force loss. Arguably, the noob button makes you win.
  • thomasxin
    21st May 2015
    Oh. And why would saves with so many dislikes be on FP?