Bridging the gap between the Rift-Class and smaller capital ships, the Resonance-Class is the first ship produced under direction by The Matrioshka brain. Its warp ring can detach for repairs or for use as a single shot gravity weapon.
bottom most proton lance has an issue with some protons coming out at an angle
@taco. put something in front of it.
the proton lance doesnt do anything but make like 5 protons in front of it for me
Everyone who says stuff like "it blows up with ambient heat on": everything explodes with ambient heat on. no one cares.
lol "LE-GASP"
*LEGASP* its....its beautiful...
THis is probably my favorite ship. It is amazing. :D
steder, I honestly don't care if graviton lasers can pirce it's armor, or if anotaros' bomb can destroy my ship. If all you have to comment is something like "I can destroy it", then please bugger off.
anotaros detonated vibranium in a tight pressure prof space (a cage of wall) causing the exotic matter leftout by the vibranium explosion to explode again wich sends of heat waves if you turn abient heat on
With these armor if you accelerate proton or gravitrons to a extrem it has a high chance of ingnoring the armor.