60 / 4
12th Jun 2015
12th Jun 2015
Third episode of Age of Human: The man of Vesperencia build a bit: an Harbor, some more houses and a fort in case of an attack from the ennemie Kingdom Val'Haril. The discovering of the islands continue. P.S.Could you find the easter eggs hide.
colonizatiom human landscape town bomb test laser fire thrower


  • Hamsterboy
    16th Jun 2015
    Tiny-Creeps: Dude whole tpt has pixels didnt you realize
  • Hamsterboy
    16th Jun 2015
    Im Venezolan so... AREPAS TO THE WIN
  • Tiny-Creeps
    15th Jun 2015
    Looks like MineCraft because of pixels! :D I have MineCraft and I love MineCraft!
  • Minecrafter777
    15th Jun 2015
    AMAZING god bless you
  • runemaster
    15th Jun 2015
    @Fingerlikin: Wait, hold up, you were correcting grammatical mistakes? You yourself make a constant and easy to correct mistake. The lack of punctuation. Another thing you seem to do on a frighteningly frequent basis is forget where your shift key is.
  • Matera_the_Mad
    14th Jun 2015
    I love the pixel-by-pixel details.
  • Fingerlikin
    14th Jun 2015
    Well if you're German than i guess i can give you a pass. Great try on the english. it's good to see people trying to use a language they don't know to let others be able to read it. So im sorry if i made you mad with the corrections. But regardless, you did a great job on the levels. I think the whole colonization idea is cool and i hope to see more saves like this or just more of this island and how it progressed through history. It almost reminds me of Tropico 5.
  • sians0rkka
    13th Jun 2015
    hope that they never reach to that uran
  • RCAProduction
    13th Jun 2015
    Oh and +1, amazing save.
  • RCAProduction
    13th Jun 2015
    Warum ist grammatik wichtig? Wirklich leute?? Entschuldigung wenn mein Deutsches Grammatik ist schlecht, aber.... Dass ist dumm.